A spiky white hailstone, flecked with small dots of black paint, rests on a scale on a desk.

A °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ library – full of hailstones instead of books – is helping researchers to better understand and predict damaging storms.

16 August 2024

Scientists have unearthed the deepest column of marine rock ever extracted from Earth’s mantle – the enormous layer below its crust – which could help reveal conditions at the dawn of life.

9 August 2024
White coral underwater.

Leading scientists have found that sea surface temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef have reached a 400-year critical level, with human-induced climate change to blame.

8 August 2024
A graphic illustrating a red virus being dragged behind a model of a human being against a grey background.

The °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ-led and developed COVID-19 Risk Calculator has been updated to determine a person’s risk of developing long COVID.

1 August 2024
Image of crown-of-thorns starfish larvae taken under a florescence microscope.

Researchers have uncovered an under the sea phenomenon where coral-destroying crown-of-thorns starfish larvae have been feasting on blue-green algae bacteria known as ‘sea sawdust’.

18 July 2024
A microscopic view of bacteria cells

Researchers from °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ have identified how a common bacterium is able to manipulate the human immune system during respiratory infections and cause persistent illness.

12 July 2024
A new coloured ESA/Hubble image of Omega Centauri showing location of black hole. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Häberle (MPIA)

A massive black hole – about 20,000 times the size of the sun – has been confirmed as the closest to our solar system by an international study involving °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ researchers.

11 July 2024
An aerial photo of a pod of whales in dark blue water, with part of a rainbow visible.

°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia’s east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 July 2024
Two people on a dock collecting water samples with a boat and brown river behind them.

A unique method of monitoring river health has uncovered an army of tiny organisms fighting to protect the Brisbane River.

28 June 2024
A photo showing an antibiotic drip on a stand in the foreground, with the corridor of a hospital in the blurred background.

Changing the way antibiotics are given to adult patients with sepsis will save thousands of lives a year globally, according to research by °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ and The George Institute for Global Health.

13 June 2024
Crown-of-thorns starfish covering coral on Great Barrier Reef.

Scientists are one step closer to combatting coral-destroying crown-of-thorns starfish, following a University of Queensland study into the pest’s genetics.

15 May 2024
An aerial photo of turquoise and darker blue water around an area of the Great Barrier Reef.

°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ researchers have received $3.6 million from the Federal and Queensland governments to improve water quality monitoring in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

8 May 2024
Man clutching heart

Forty-five per cent of patients admitted to hospital for atrial fibrillation (AF) in Australia and New Zealand die within a decade, according to University of Queensland research.

30 April 2024
An illustration of several large raptor dinosaurs roaming on a plain.

Scientists have discovered the tracks of a 5 metre-long raptor dinosaur, challenging what was previously known about the species’ size range.

26 April 2024
A human hand holding a small earless dragon

Remote cameras and conservation dogs will be deployed as part of a University of Queensland research project aiming to conserve four threatened Queensland reptile species.

12 April 2024